My Vision & Values
This Is What Drives Me
Help individuals and families learn how healthy food can help them accomplish their goals and reach their potential every day by addressing public health and positively impacting the food environment.
Going around the world including Africa, creating awareness of eating whole foods, giving people information and tools to perhaps make different choices once they have the information.
GENEROUSITY: Generosity doesn’t just involve giving other people money or tangible items. I’m also generous with my time, skill, talent, creativity, compassion, and energy.
ALTRUISM: Altruism have prepared me to have an unselfish concern for other people. This value enable me to perform random acts of kindness on a regular basis and do things to help others for the sole reason of benefitting someone else in some way. Therefore, I don’t feel obligated to do anything for others due to having a sense of loyalty or even for religious reasons.
PASSION: Having enthusiasm for living my life on my own terms, ensure that I also have the determination that is needed to succeed.
COMMUNITY: Because I value my community, therefore I strive daily to create a sense of belongingness in my surroundings and always willing to give back to places that have contributed to who I am today.
SELF-CONFIDENCE: It allows me to successfully recognize that my skills are making a positive contribution to my community, and those around me.
CRETIVITY: Using my imagination to solve problems or generate new ideas is the greatest value I have ever had. Creativity supports my ability to make a change in society that other people find significant.
COMMUNICATION: Communication is not only allowing to have information relayed properly to me, but also ensuring that my own thoughts are effectively heard by other people.